Freitag, 19. Mai 2017 , 18:15 - Freitag, 19. Mai 2017, 20:45
International Angular Meetup
Europasaal, Körblergasse 111, 8010 Graz

Seit dem Jahr 2015 organisiert die Studienrichtung IT & Wirtschaftsinformatik gemeinsam mit dem erfolgreichen Trainer und nebenberuflichen Lektor Manfred Steyer die Veranstaltungsreihe „Angular Meetup“. Dabei konnte sich diese Plattform im Laufe der Zeit zum bewährten Treffpunkt für den Informationsaustausch etablieren.

Es freut uns besonders, dass es gelingen konnte, die nachfolgenden renommierten Speaker aus dem internationalen Umfeld für unsere nächste Veranstaltung zu gewinnen. Aufgrund der begrenzten Plätze bitten wir um eine verbindliche Anmeldung zu diesem Event.


Maxim Salnikov (GDE), UI Engineer, ForgeRock, Oslo

Maxim Salnikov is Oslo-based Web UI Engineer, a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Angular. He develops complex web applications since the end of the last century and has extensive experience with all aspects of web front-end: UX/UI prototyping, HTML/CSS/JS, main frameworks, architecting RESTful APIs. Maxim is a founder and active contributor to two conferences: Mobile Era and ngVikings – Nordics’ main conferences for mobile and Angular developers respectively. Also, he leads Norway’s largest meetups dedicated to web front-end and mobile: Framsia, Angular Oslo, Mobile Meetup Oslo.
Maxim is passionate about sharing his web front-end experience and knowledge with the community. He travels extensively for visiting developers events and speaking/training at conferences and meetups around the world.


Christoffer Noring (Google GDE), Frontend Developer, London

Christoffer is a full stack web developer with a strong focus on web and front end technologies. He has worked for small and large clients all over Sweden helping out with everything from sql to css.
At Softhouse Christoffer is a passionate developer, educator and blogger. He strongly believes in democratizing knowledge and making it available to people in all walks of life be it a graduate from University, industry active professional or other. He shares what he knows and learns at meetups, conferences, courses and blogs. He also provides mentorship to other meetup organizers as well as people trying to land a job in IT. Currently he organizes 4 meetup groups with a total over 1100 people and counting. All made possible through the support of his employer and also equally passionate co organizers.
He strongly believes in fighting the good fight and would jump at a chance to spear or help out with fundraising, finding talent or mentor startups.


Raúl Jiménez Herrando (GDE), CEO, Byte Default, Barcelona

Raul is a software engineer passionate about JS frameworks, web technologies and cross-platform development. Since 2012 he’s focused in Angular, HTML5 video and his open source project Videogular.
Raul works as a freelance front-end architect for companies around the world helping them to build high-performance web apps. In his spare time he’s usually involved in local meetups, writing blog posts, speaking at conferences and contributing to open source projects. He lives in Barcelona and is happy by default.


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