Do you dream of having your own company one day? Do you like working with numbers and are you good at structured work? Would you like to really stretch your wings and be able to gain a foothold in almost any industry after graduation? This is possible with the Bachelor's degree programme in Financial Accounting and the Master's degree programme in Management & Controlling . Our graduates learn how to manage a company properly and plan successfully for the future. In addition, they gain cutting-edge expertise from the industry, not just in accounting and financial reporting. We teach you how the international financial markets work, how to correctly read and complete an employee tax assessment and much more. After graduating, you will be responsible for many important decisions in the company.
By the way: over 80 % of our students have a permanent job before the end of their studies.
Accounting is all about figures, data, facts and the organisation of a company. Almost every company needs experts who can assess the company's financial situation. Are enough products being sold? Which products are selling the most and which have been on the shelves for longer? Is the company making a profit or a loss? Our graduates learn how to prepare and read balance sheets and quarterly reports in order to be able to provide answers to precisely these questions. Apart from companies, everyday topics that affect everyone are also discussed. How does the climate bonus work and how is the amount calculated? What taxes do you have to pay and what is done with them?
Financial accounting is the basis of successful companies and brands that accompany us every day.
In the Bachelor's degree programme, our students learn the basics of financial accounting. Courses are also taught in English and many practical projects are carried out directly with well-known companies. After graduating, they can join companies directly and make important financial decisions.
6 semesters
Full-time & part-time
Degree: BA
The postgraduate Master's programme prepares students for management positions. Strategic tasks impart interdisciplinary skills, which subsequently support management in important decisions.
4 semesters
Degree: MA
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Department Financial Accounting
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz
Accounting & Controlling are extremely important for the success of companies. After graduating, our graduates know how to assess the financial situation of a company. Based on this, they can give management tips for the future. Of course, every company wants to be as successful as possible, which is why experts in financial accounting are in high demand. Many research projects, which are often carried out with well-known companies, show that the education at CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences is more than professional.
Graduate Bachelor part-time
Julia Gruber, BA MA
Graduate of the part-time Master's programme
Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Wirtschaft und entdecke, wie die Zahnräder in der Geschäftswelt ineinandergreifen. Erlebe, wie aus Zahlen und Theorien greifbare Realität wird und wie jede Entscheidung weitreichende Auswirkungen haben kann. Im Workshop unseres Departments für Rechnungswesen & Controlling bekamen die Schülerinnen und Schüler der HAK Deutschlandsberg die einzigartige Möglichkeit, in eine lebendige Wirtschaftssimulation einzutauchen. Sie erlebten…
Der Sprung aus dem Hörsaal in die Praxis ist eine der spannendsten Ereignisse an unserer FH CAMPUS 02. Ein wichtiger Baustein dafür ist das Berufspraktikum. Bis zum 6. Semester müssen die Bachelorstudierenden im Studiengang „Rechnungswesen & Controlling“ ein Praktikum von mindestens 12 Wochen absolvieren. Für die berufsbegleitenden Studierenden gibt es die Möglichkeit, ihre facheinschlägige berufliche Tätigkeit anrechnen zu lassen. Der…
Am Sonntag, den 28.04.2024 bestiegen rund 40 Studierende des Departments Rechnungswesen & Controlling einen Reisebus, um die diesjährige Studienreise nach Zagreb zu unternehmen. Begleitet wurden Sie von Vida Bicman, die auch die Organisation der Reise übernahm, und Günter Zullus. Die Reisegruppe war bunt gemischt und setzte sich aus Vertreter*innen fast aller Jahrgänge des Bachelor- und Masterstudiums im Department RWC zusammen.…
Spring is awakening, bringing not only the splendour of flowers and warmer days, but also many fresh ideas and innovations at the Department of Financial accounting. The second edition of the new "Meet & Greet" format took place on 22 March 2024. Programme Director Peter Meiregger and his team were able to welcome all those applicants to FH Campus 02 who already have a...