On 26-27th April 2018 the second transnational meeting of the eight SCOPE project partner (from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain) was held in Seville, Spain. SCOPE (Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship) is an Erasmus+ Project with Campus 02 Innovation Management as one of the main contributing partners.
In the first phase of the project, all partners conducted online surveys (n= 242) and qualitative interviews with corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship experts (n=40) from enterprises and education and training providers. The results of the first phase are compiled in a report which summarizes the national results of all eight project partners.
Based on the results of the first intellectual output (IO) the partner institutions conceptualized the corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship competence matrix for managers respectively employees/students during the meeting. The developed and finalized matrices will be the main output of IO2. To enable an efficient start of the second work package, all participants attended workshops for competence matrix development, which were held by the representatives of Campus 02 and FH Joanneum.
Based on the competence matrices the SCOPE Corporate Entrepreneurship Training Programme will be developed later on in IO3