Project SWEETIDS von der FH CAMPUS 02


Innovation Awards ceremony

Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, has announced its winners of its innovative Prize Award Contest on the Detection of Low-Flying Objects (LFOs) at the Frontex Innovation Awards ceremony. This ceremony was not just a moment of recognition for the ground-breaking work of the winners but also a sign of Frontex’s broader efforts to foster innovation. The ceremony also included the ultimate selection of four projects, among them the FH CAMPUS 02’s project on the “Sweet spot ID documentation system”, as recipients of grants under the Research Grants Programme.

Sweet spot ID documentation system (SWEETIDS)

On the 1st of September 2023, the wheels of the project SWEETIDS were set in motion, fuelled by a vision to create a game-changing solution for travel document authentication. Over a span of 12 months, this pioneering endeavour will allow the Department Automation Technology at the FH CAMPUS 02 to spearhead significant changes in document security checks.

Unveiling the Innovation

At its core, SWEETIDS is introducing a groundbreaking, cost-effective, and user-friendly device engineered to conduct meticulous document assessments. This innovation employs an array of light sources—from white to infrared, anti-Stokes laser, and various UV wavelengths—to capture high-resolution images of critical security features (’sweet spots‘) on travel documents. The primary goal? To revolutionize the detection of common document manipulations such as photo alterations, changes in the check digits of the machine-readable zone (MRZ), improper printing techniques, counterfeit inks, and many more. By capturing precise coordinates and acquisition metadata of these critical points, this system aims to fortify document databases and enhance security measures significantly.

Objectives and Innovations

SWEETIDS isn’t merely a concept—it’s a meticulously crafted plan. The objectives are crystal clear: develop a stationary system for first-line checks at border points, integrate cutting-edge optical and image capturing devices, and establish seamless integration with existing databases like False and Authentic Documents Online (FADO) and Frontex Interpol Electronic Library Document System (FIELDS).

The innovation lies not only in the technological advancements but also in its practicality. This solution bridges the gap between the shortcomings of current mobile devices and the high-cost, heavyweight stationary systems. It seamlessly combines mechatronics to create an affordable, reliable, and user-friendly system tailored for border guards.

Projected Impact

The project aims to result in a validated prototype ready for testing in relevant laboratory settings. This prototype, once refined, holds the promise of evolving into an industrial-grade product capable of meeting the needs of the European Border and Coast Guard community for optical travel document checks.

Moreover, the project’s success is anticipated to lay the groundwork for further exploration in automatic recognition methods for document security features and printing techniques – a step towards an even more secure future.

The Road Ahead

Project SWEETIDS isn’t just another venture; it’s a paradigm shift in travel document verification. As the project unfolds over the coming months, it’s poised to reshape the very foundations of document authentication, promising a safer, more secure world of travel.

Stay tuned as the FH CAMPUS 02 embarks on this groundbreaking journey, redefining the benchmarks of document security and unveiling a future where travel documents are fortified against manipulation and fraud.

Join us as we pioneer change, one ’sweet spot‘ at a time.

Project SWEETIDS_Copyright @Frontex