FH CAMPUS 02 main building

Project FIONA

Welcome to FIONA –FemaleInitiative for Organisation, Network and Education at FH CAMPUS 02!

FIONA ist das Sprungbrett für Frauen, die in die aufregende Welt der Technik eintauchen wollen! An der haben wir ein vielfältiges Programm entwickelt, das Frauen auf ihrem Weg in technische Studiengänge begleitet und sie entlang ihres Studienverlaufs unterstützt.

Schülerin mit Roboter

Our Mission

🚀 Begin bravely:
With a pre-study coaching that reduces fears and biases, enabling you to start your technical studies perfectly. Our programme includes a summer taster week and support for dissertations (thesis/extended essay) to ensure you start your studies well-prepared.

🔥 Learn strong:
Our student empowerment programme offers you targeted support in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and technology. Here you'll find a learning café and an online platform that has your back! We aim to ensure you learn in a supportive environment and prepare yourself as best as possible for your technical studies.

💡 Create connections:
We provide not just a network, but a strong community for female students, scholars, and alumni in STEM subjects! Regular meetings, mentorship, and expert talks bring you together and facilitate valuable exchanges. Our goal is to foster a supportive community where you can inspire and empower each other, no matter where you are on your educational journey.

Our project is aimed at all girls and women who are ready to dive into the world of technology and achieve great things. We aim not only to encourage women to choose technical courses but also to raise awareness of their incredible opportunities!

With FIONA, we aim not only to support women in technical professions but also to advance the world of technology. Join us and be part of this exciting journey!

Upcoming Dates:


  • October 22, 2024: FIONA Connect

    Each meeting takes place from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM at FH CAMPUS 02. The exact rooms will be announced in due course.



Die genauen Projekte und Termine werden in Kürze hier veröffentlicht!

Assistance with topic selection for the VWA and dissertations

The first step of a dissertation is choosing a topic that reflects your interests and motivates you throughout the entire process.

But how do you actually find a suitable topic? Does it have to be a stroke of genius? And in what environment can I think creatively? How can we use our past experiences and knowledge to delve into the world of technology? These and other questions will be addressed in our workshop. We will use creativity techniques to generate ideas that can lead to new topics. These methods enable us to rethink familiar concepts in innovative ways and integrate them with technical aspects.

Building on an initial creative workshop, accompanying coaching sessions for dissertations will cover topics such as literature review, research design, source work, as well as analysis and interpretation of results. The first coaching cycle will commence in summer 2024 with a selected school. For interest in the next year, please get in touch.

Bei den TechDays bieten die drei technisch-orientierten Departments Automatisierungstechnik, Innovationsmanagement und IT & Wirtschaftsinformatik der FH CAMPUS 02 vorrangig weiblichen Jugendlichen eine spannende Aktivwoche an, in der sie die Welt des Innovierens, Designens, Entwickelns, Bauens und Programmierens hautnah erleben können. Das Ziel dieses aufregenden Workshops ist es, die vielfältigen und faszinierenden Bereiche der Technik vorzustellen, sodass die Teilnehmerinnen nicht nur wertvolle Einblicke gewinnen, sondern auch erste praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und ihre Begeisterung für technische Berufe entdecken können.

Der Workshop besteht aus drei verschiedenen Bereichen:
  • Entwickeln Den Teilnehmer*innen wird der Prozess der mechatronischen Prototypenentwicklung in Form eines eigenen Mini-Roboter-Projekts nähergebracht. Der selbst entwickelte Roboter kann auch mit nach Hause genommen werden. Die Inhalte umfassen Grundlagen aus den Bereichen Konstruktionslehre, Fertigungstechnik, Rapid Prototyping und Robotik sowie den Bereichen Gleichstromtechnik und digitaler Schaltungsentwurf.
  • Innovieren Ziel ist die Erkundung neuer Ideen durch Kreativitätstechniken, Berücksichtigung von Geschäftsmodellen und Entwurf von Prototypen. Im Workshop können die Schüler*innen lernen, wie durch Kreativitätstechniken neue innovative Ideen generiert werden und so Innovationen nicht mehr dem Zufall überlassen bleiben. Durch interaktive Übungen und praktische Beispiele werden sie ermutigt, ihre Vorstellungskraft zu nutzen und neue Lösungsansätze zu entwickeln.
  • Programmieren Nach einer theoretischen Einführung in Programmierung und künstliche Intelligenz wird das Gelernte praktisch angewendet, um das Verständnis weiter aufzubauen und zu festigen. Dabei werden auch Inhalte aus der Roboterentwicklung einbezogen, um zu zeigen, wie die Roboter mit Hilfe von Programmierung zum Leben erweckt werden.
Da unsere Laborplätze begrenzt sind, liegt die maximale Anzahl an Schülerinnen, die an dem Workshop teilnehmen können, bei 24 Personen.

Dauer Der Workshop findet in einer der letzten Schulwochen statt, erstreckt sich über vier Tage und bietet eine umfassende Erkundung verschiedener Aspekte in den 3 unterschiedlichen Bereichen.

Contact for Schools and Interested Parties:

Mathematics is a part of every technical study programme and often poses an initial challenge. Mathematical concepts build upon foundations from school, so it's crucial to master these well.


We offer an online course on mathematical basics such as powers, terms and term transformations, solving equations, functions and their properties. The topics are explained in small portions using examples, e.g. through videos, interactive slides, etc., and interactive resources are provided to encourage independent practice.


Additionally, there are learning cafés where students can exchange ideas. Moreover, senior students and experienced instructors will answer questions on mathematical tasks and explain the backgrounds of mathematical problem statements.

As part of a digital platform, female students have the opportunity to clarify questions on technical topics. Additionally, information about studying at FH CAMPUS 02 (studying with children, funding opportunities, etc.) is provided. The platform enables quick and straightforward resolution of queries and promotes exchange among female students in technical studies.

FIONA Connect is a regular networking event held four times a year, specifically designed for female students in technical study programmes. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, establish valuable connections, and learn from inspiring testimonials.

What can you expect at FIONA Connect?

  • Exchange and Networking: Meet like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and learn from the stories and challenges of other female students. Our aim is to create a supportive community where you can feel comfortable and thrive.
  • Inspirational Testimonials: We regularly invite successful women to share their experiences and career paths with you. These role models offer valuable insights and motivate you to pursue your own professional goals.

Events scheduled for 2024:

  • 22nd October 2024

Each meeting takes place from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM at FH CAMPUS 02. The exact rooms will be announced in due course.

Join us and become part of our growing FIONA community!

The mentoring programme aims to connect female students across departments and year groups. To this end, a mentor from a higher semester will support a first-year student with various issues. In this way, initial contacts can be made and an exchange of knowledge facilitated.

Our "Get Together" gatherings are special events aimed at women interested in technology. These meetings provide a great opportunity for female students of FH CAMPUS 02 to connect in a supportive and inspiring environment.


What are the Get Together meetings?
The "Get Together" meetings are regularly occurring events where female students of our university are invited to meet and participate together in the event.


What can you expect?
In addition to events hosted by our university, we regularly invite you to external events to provide you with an even greater variety of opportunities and experiences. Each event offers you the chance to learn new skills, gain insights into various technical areas, and expand your professional networks.

Project FIONA
LEA - Let’s empower Austria
Logo von LEA - Let's empower Women: Österreichischer Frauendonds

LEA - Let’s empower Austria
Austrian Fund for the Empowerment and Promotion of Women and Girls

This project is funded by the Austrian Fund for the Empowerment and Promotion of Women and Girls.

Projektdauer: April 2024 – Dezember 2025

Project FIONA

Contact for further information