Unsere strategischen Grundsätze
We base our teaching and applied research & development on the following strategic principles:
Our goal is to educate students so effectively that they are favoured over other graduates in the job market. We prepare them to become entrepreneurial individuals in both intra- and entrepreneurship. To achieve this, we provide them with up-to-date academic qualifications, management knowledge and skills, communication abilities, and (self-)reflection techniques. All of our programmes also include foundational knowledge in business management and legal matters. An entrepreneurial mindset and a strong will to implement ideas complete their skill set. The development of our graduates is our benchmark for continuously improving our offerings.
It is the core competency of FH CAMPUS 02 to ensure the best possible organisational and content-based connection between study and work. We achieve this through optimal scheduling, distributed examination workloads, targeted integration of practical business tasks into teaching, and tailored teaching and learning methods. Within the Captains model, business professionals serve as role models and mentors for a cohort over the course of a year. The integration of academic qualifications from studies and practical relevance from professional experience allows for a profound understanding and practical implementation. Mandatory internships introduce students without relevant work experience to the professional world, and prior knowledge and work experience are appropriately incorporated.
FH CAMPUS 02 offers industry-independent academic education and training aligned with the value chain of companies. We leverage our business network and ownership structure to develop demand-oriented study programmes focused on core business activities. Through practical teaching and learning as well as application-oriented projects with and for the business community, we contribute to the success of companies.
High quality of the services offered in education, further training, and applied research & development is a defining characteristic. We use student evaluations, regular surveys of alumni and employers, as well as participation in recognised university rankings to develop this high quality. We select our teaching staff with great care and provide them with ongoing content and pedagogical training. The involvement of industry experts as part-time lecturers is a key element of our quality strategy. Applied R&D activities must meet the quality standards of the academic community and be applicable in business practice. Quality is also reflected in the competence level of our graduates. Achieving an academic degree at FH CAMPUS 02 therefore requires a high level of performance from our students.
International orientation means for us that teaching and R&D are conducted at an internationally recognised level. Contact with the international academic community is key to this. Keeping expertise up-to-date, offering courses or entire programmes in English, promoting international mobility for students and staff, engaging in international research networks, and implementing “Internationalisation at Home” measures support our internationalisation efforts. We do not see international orientation as an isolated goal, but rather as a way to prepare our graduates to take on roles in their companies involving interactions with international partners and clients.
Bachelor’s and Master’s theses are largely based on issues from businesses. Professionally integrated students bring challenges from their work into the teaching process, while business professionals demonstrate application and implementation opportunities in practice. Scientific (technical) developments as well as study and research projects yield practically applicable results for companies. Looking ahead, we build R&D competencies in our areas of strength for future economic needs and specifically support SMEs in the development of new products, processes, and services. We prepare these results for practical use in companies, thus promoting innovation, value creation, and development within the businesses.