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Application & Admission

Application Deadlines

Have you found your desired course of study with us? Perfect!
Then you are just a few steps away. Secure your place now! To ensure you don't miss any deadline or appointment, we have compiled all the important information, deadlines and dates for applications, summarised here.

Bewerbungsportal geschlossen
Für das studienjahr 2023/24 ist keine bewerbung mehr möglich
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Alle informationen zum STudium
Secure your place to study now
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Your dream degree programme in just a few steps apart
Keeping the overview

Available places & deadlines

Study programmeAvailable places:
Bachelor's Degree Programme Automation Technology58
Bachelor's Degree Programme Smart Automation25
Master's Degree Programme Automation Technology - Business33
Bachelor's Degree Programme Business Analytics & AI25
Bachelor's Degree Programme Business Software Development35
Bachelor's Degree Programme Business Informatics40
Master's Degree Programme IT
& Business Informatics
Bachelor's Degree Programme Innovation Management45
Master's Degree Programme Innovation Management35
Bachelor's Degree Programme Financial Accounting
(Full time & extra-occupational)
35 (FT)
35 (EO)
Master's Degree Programme Management & Controlling30
Bachelor's Degree Programme Marketing & Sales
(Full time & extra-occupational)
45 (FT)
45 (EO)
Master's Degree Programme Digital Marketing Management30
Master's Degree Programme Entrepreneurship & Sales Management25

Below you will find the application deadlines for the academic year 2024/25.
Please note that the deadlines for the individual degree programs may vary. You will find a detailed breakdown in the respective deadline!

For degree programs with a full-time and a part-time option, the deadlines stated always apply to both types of study. 

Hier finden Sie noch einmal alle Bewerbungsfristen für alle Studiengänge zum Download. 

Applications for ALL Bachelor's and Master's degree programs are possible until 31.05.2024. 

Applications for ALL Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are possible until 31.05.2024.

After the stated deadline an application for the following study programmes is not possible anymore:

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme Marketing & Sales
  • Master's Degree Programme Digital Marketing Management
  • Master's Degree Programme Entrepreneurship & Sales Management 

After this deadline, applications for the following degree programmes are only possible subject to available places:

  • Master's Degree Programme IT & Business Informatics

Applications for the follwing Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are possible until 15.07.2024.

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology
  • Smart Automation
  • Innovation Management
  • Business Informatics
  • Business Software Development
  • Business Data Science
  • Financial Accounting

Master's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology - Business 
  • Innovation Management
  • IT & Business Informatics - subject to availability
  • Financial Accounting

The application portal is already closed for the following degree programmes:

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme Marketing & Sales (from 31.5.)
  • Master Digital Marketing Management (ab 31.05.)
  • Master's Degree Programme Entrepreneurship & Sales Management

Applications for ALL Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are possible until 31.05.2024.

After the stated deadline an application for the following study programmes is not possible anymore:

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme Marketing & Sales

After this deadline, applications for the following degree programmes are only possible subject to available places:

  • Master's Degree Programme IT & Business Informatics

Applications for the follwing Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are possible until 15.07.2024.

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology
  • Smart Automation
  • Innovation Management
  • Business Informatics
  • Business Software Development
  • Business Analytics & AI
  • Financial Accounting

Master's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology - Business 
  • Innovation Management
  • IT & Business Informatics 
  • Management & Controlling
  • Entrepreneurship & Sales Management
  • Digital Marketing Management

The application portal is already closed for the following degree programmes:

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme Marketing & Sales (from 31.5.)

Applications for the follwing Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are possible until 01.09.2024.

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology
  • Smart Automation
  • Innovation Management
  • Business Informatics
  • Business Software Development
  • Business Analytics & AI

Master's Degree Programmes:

  • Innovation Management
  • IT & Business Informatics 
  • Management & Controlling

The application portal is already closed for the following degree programmes:

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Accounting & Controlling (from 15.07.)
  • Marketing & Sales (from 31.05.)

Master's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology and Business (from 15.07.)
  • Digital Marketing Management (from 15.07.)
  • Entrepreneurship & Sales Management (from 15.07.)

Die Bewerbung für folgende Studiengänge ist bis zum 01.09.2024 möglich:

Bachelor's Degree Programme:

  • Business Informatics

Master's Degree Programme:

  • IT & Business Informatics 

Applications for the followeing Bachelor's degree programmes are possible until 15.09.2024:

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Business Software Development
  • Business Analytics & AI

The application portal is already closed for the following degree programmes:

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology (from 20.08.)
  • Smart Automation (from 20.08.)
  • Innovation Management (from 20.08.)
  • Accounting & Controlling (from 15.07.)
  • Marketing & Sales (from 31.05.)

Master's Degree Programmes:

  • Automation Technology and Business (from 15.07.)
  • Innovation Management (from 20.08.)
  • Management & Controlling (ab 20.08.)
  • Digital Marketing Management (from 15.07.)
  • Entrepreneurship & Sales Management (from 15.07.)

For applicants with certificates from third countries, (all countries other than the member states of the EEA/EU and Switzerland) an earlier application deadline applies. (31.03.2024).
This may give you enough time to apply for the required residence permit and/or visa or to obtain any missing documents and notarisations.

Excluded from this are applicants with certificates from third countries,which already have a valid residence permit for Austria or who are allowed to enter Austria visa-free and submit their request to the locally responsible Residence authority in Austria directly. In this case the regular application deadlines are valid. 

Alle Informationen dazu finden Sie hier:

Early application pays off

Why you should apply early

We have 5 reasons for you why an early application to CAMPUS 02 UAS pays off. 

  • Plan the start of your studies without stress and take care of your future in a calm way
    Whether because of family, friends or the employer - everyone involved appreciates being able to prepare for the upcoming changes at an early stage. This also gives you enough time to look for a place to live in Graz if you need to.
  • Become part of our community early

    If you join our community early on, you can enjoy the benefits for longer. On the one hand, you will always be kept up to date with the newsletter. On the other hand, you get the chance to network and exchange ideas with others at an earlier stage. So it pays to be part of it!

  • Take a relaxed holiday

    You can spare yourself the uncertainty of what will happen in autumn, enjoy your summer to the full and recharge your batteries for the rest of your journey.
  • Plan B is still available
    If you don't get your dream study place with us, at least you'll know early on. This way you can avoid being left without a plan for the future in autumn and look for an alternative in good time - perhaps another degree programme at CAMPUS 02 UAS? We will be happy to advise you - for example at one of our Open House dates.
  • No stress with school-leaving exams & co
    Why stress about applying for your dream degree programme in the middle of your final exams when it can easily be done beforehand? A huge benefit of applying early: you will also go through the entire application and admission procedure earlier and will therefore know more quickly whether you will be offered a fixed place or a place on the waiting list. Any outstanding documents can also be submitted after you have passed your A-levels or Bachelor's examination. With the knowledge that your dream degree course is already waiting for you in autumn, nothing can go wrong with the exams.
Kompass zum Erfolg

Der Weg in Ihr Wunschstudium


Your journey to enrolment begins with registering on our campus management system and then submitting your application online. If you have previously studied at our university, there is no need to register again; you can apply directly through C02online.


Der Aufnahmetest bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit Ihre Eignung für das gewünschte Studium unter Beweis zu stellen. Nach erfolgreicher Übermittlung und der ersten Prüfung Ihrer Online-Bewerbung erhalten Sie per E-Mail eine Einladung zum Aufnahmetest.


Nach Absolvierung des Aufnahmetests bleibt Ihnen eine Woche Zeit Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen im Selfservice-Bereich online zu vervollständigen.


Das Aufnahmegespräch mit der Kommission ist der letzte Schritt auf Ihrem Weg ins Studium und gibt Ihnen die Chance auch im persönlichen oder virtuellen Kennenlernen zu überzeugen.


Info-events at CAMPUS 02 UAS

In order to be sure about the content and procedures of your chosen degree programme, there are a variety of ways to obtain information. In addition to the information available on the website or in information folders, a personal interview, either virtually or on site, often provides the best insight into the degree programme. At CAMPUS 02 UAS information events, we offer taster courses, student counselling, guided tours or simply small talk with students about everyday student life and much more. These events take place on site at CAMPUS 02 UAS.


Contact for further information