
Innovation management

The Innovation Mindset School

Companies that not only want to assert themselves on the market, but also dominate it, are increasingly focusing on Innovation. They are not satisfied with the status quo, but strive for the ultimate. They are working hard to find specialists with passion and skill who see innovation as their launch pad to success. With the Bachelor und Master in Innovation Management, we train our students as industrial engineers with a focus on innovation management.

Fit for the future


Innovation has one main purpose: to create something new. Our world is constantly changing and companies must also ensure that they evolve with this change. As an innovation manager, you are responsible for adding value to companies through targeted innovations. Whether you work with products, services or processes, one thing remains the same: the status quo is replaced by something improved. Innovation Management Bachelor's, -Master's or Certified Innovation Expert – you make companies fit for the future.

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A few steps to your dream degree program



Innovation management

The ideal combination of business, technology, innovation management and soft skills. In this Bachelor's degree course, you will acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of the important processes and accompany products from the idea to marketing.

6 semesters


Degree: BSc


Innovation management

Innovation and leadership are combined here. Strategic innovation management and strong leadership skills are the key to success. In this Master's degree program, you will learn everything you need to be successful in senior management.

3 semesters


Degree: MA

Further education offer

Innovation Business School

It is crucial for the success of companies to react quickly to changing conditions and actively shape social change. Innovative organizations can meet customer requirements, achieve a competitive advantage in the market and contribute to the promotion of sustainable development. Future-oriented companies therefore integrate innovation management as an integral part of their strategic planning.

The courses offered by the Innovation Business School have a modular structure. This means that the modules can be completed individually or in combination within a certain time frame - up to the Certified Innovation Expert level. There is also the option of working on a company-specific project under the supervision of our innovation experts at the university.

Innovation management


Get to know innovation management

Videos & Behind the Scenes

When ideas become successes

Our mission

Since 2005, we have been the first university in Austria to focus holistically on innovation management. We are proud to be able to look back on over 500 successful graduates. In this innovative climate at CAMPUS 02, important partnerships have been forged and numerous start-ups and new companies have been founded. We are also constantly implementing important projects in our Research & Development department .

We work for your success

The team of the Department of Innovation Management

Success stories

Comments on the studies

Absolventin Marijana Skoro

I applied for the part-time Bachelor's degree program straight after graduating from high school - I was able to do it without having a job. I gained practical experience through various projects as part of my studies.

Marijana Skoro, BSc

Graduate of the Bachelor's degree program in Innovation Management

Absolvent Harald Petschnik

I was able to broaden my horizons significantly during my studies. In addition to the basic technical training, the business and innovation-specific courses were particularly valuable to me.

Ing. Harald Petschnik, BSc MA

Graduate of Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Innovation Management

Absolvent Lukas Götz

Both in my job as an IT project manager and as the founder of my own start-up "quasifertig", I can ideally apply what I have learned and benefit greatly from the approach of "thinking differently"

Lukas Götz, BSc MA

Graduate of Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Innovation Management

Portraitfoto Hans Lercher

Innovation is a matter of the heart for us: only systematic innovation enables economic growth, a prosperous future, participation in prosperity and quality of life. This applies to the region as well as the entire country, Europe and the international community. This requires driving forces that are passionate about change.

FH-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Hans Lercher

Founder and Head of the Innovation Management course

Stay up to date

News from the Innovation Management department

Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Wie mein Innovationsmanagement-Studium meine Karriere bei der KNAPP AG prägte

Markus Posch, erfolgreicher Bachelor- und Master-Absolvent unseres Studiengangs Innovationsmanagement, erzählt uns im exklusiven Interview über seine Erfahrungen aus dem Studium, seine persönliche Entwicklung und wie das Studium ihn auf seinem persönlichen Karriereweg begleitet hat. Weiteres gibt er Einblicke in seinen beruflichen Werdegang bei der KNAPP AG, berichtet wovon er fürs Berufsleben besonders profitiert hat und erzählt uns von seinem ganz…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 13.08.2024
Vorschau Absolvent*innen Interview- Susanne Hazrati

Vom Hörsaal ins Global Marketing Management: Susanne Hazratis Erfolgsgeschichte

Wir freuen uns, Susanne Hazrati im Rahmen dieses Interviews vorstellen zu dürfen. Susanne ist nicht nur eine erfolgreiche Absolventin unseres Bachelor- und Masterprogramms im Studiengang Innovationsmanagement, sondern auch ein inspirierendes Beispiel für eine vielversprechende Karriere. In einem exklusiven Interview teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen aus dem Studium, gibt wertvolle Einblicke in ihren beruflichen Werdegang und erzählt, wie das Innovationsmanagement-Studium ihr geholfen…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 08.07.2024
Bernhard Maunz - Geschäftsführer bei Schaller Messtechnik

Pionier im Bereich Innovationsmanagement: Bernhard Maunz' Erfolgsweg bei der Schaller Messtechnik GmbH

Interview mit Bernhard Maunz, Absolvent des Studiengangs Innovationsmanagement & Geschäftsführer bei Schaller Messtechnik GmbH   Könntest du dich kurz vorstellen und uns erzählen, was du aktuell machst? Gerne. Mein Name ist Bernhard Maunz und ich bin Geschäftsführer bei der Schaller Messtechnik GmbH. Derzeit liegt mein Hauptfokus auf den Bereichen Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E), Produktion sowie dem Marktausbau in den USA.…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 03.06.2024
Header von Studentin Ines Legenstein

Creativity meets career: How part-time study promotes innovation and organizational skills

Student interview with Ines Legenstein, 25 years old, Bachelor of Innovation Management part-time in the 4th semester. “The part-time course gives me the opportunity to combine my professional work in sales, with cooperation partners and in marketing in a management consultancy with the topic of innovation. I work in a very exciting field, as I get to know new companies at different stages of development every day. The combination of...

FH CAMPUS 02 | 06.05.2024