Further vocational training on
Department IT & Wirtschafts­informatik

The rapid developments in technology and the increasing digitalization of business processes require constant updating of knowledge and skills in order to stay up to date and competitive. The ability to understand and apply new technologies is an important factor for success in almost all industries today.

As well as improving your technical skills, further training in IT & Business Informatics can also help to improve your career prospects and open up new career opportunities. By acquiring certifications and additional qualifications, you can improve your profile and qualify for higher positions in your company or apply for new positions.

Short-term programs

Our training programs are have a modular structure. The modules can also be completed individually as university courses. This allows us to respond flexibly to the potential requirements of companies and offer participants a broad spectrum of specific knowledge that is currently required in the currently required in the economy.

Certificate courses

You also have the option of combining the university courses within a certain time frame in the form of a certificate course in combination. in the form of a certificate course. Depending on the choice of modules, we offer two different certificate courses
Further vocational training Department IT & Business Informatics
Harris Gerzic

DI Harris Gerzic, BSc

CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Department of IT & Business Informatics
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz