In R&D at CAMPUS 02, methodological developments are pursued, internationally significant topics are further developed in consortia and, above all, beneficial problem solutions are realised in application-oriented projects with business partners. Innovative approaches and innovative solutions to increase the competitiveness of companies take centre stage here.
Our strategic focus is on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Most of our co-operation partners come from this sector, although we also count many leading Styrian companies (Magna Steyer, SIEMENS, AT&S, Weitzer Parkett etc.) among our customers.
Although the work here is based on the state of the art, the cost situation of the cooperation partner is taken into account, as is the appropriateness of the complexity of the technical solution for the problem. These projects are realised professionally by small, efficient teams and focus on the customer's objectives.
This project segment is one of CAMPUS 02 UAS' great strengths and it can point to a wealth of experience and good co-operations with remarkable results.
There is still no practical and scientifically based evaluation system for the ongoing improvement and performance measurement of innovative services.
The BIG PictureTM innovation model is a holistic, strategy-orientated and cyclical model.
Many Styrian areas, formerly industrial or agricultural regions, are struggling with the loss of regional authenticity.
Small businesses are disproportionately affected by corporate insolvency. But how can this be avoided as far as possible?
The Interreg project SMART PRODUCTION AND SERVICE SOLUTIONS focussed on production-oriented SMEs. The aim was to identify solutions to challenges and create growth in expertise.
There is still no practical and scientifically based evaluation system for the ongoing improvement and performance measurement of innovative services.
Many Styrian areas, formerly industrial or agricultural regions, are struggling with the loss of regional authenticity.
The BIG PictureTM innovation model is a holistic, strategy-orientated and cyclical model.
The "Safe and Intelligent Workspaces" project aims to create a safe, efficient and progressive working environment with the help of artificial intelligence, digital assistance systems and data from Styrian industrial companies.
Identification of opinion leaders, enabler technologies and technology adoption paths for smart energy technologies
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences provides the knowledge to make new technologies and developments usable for Styrian companies. In order to actively transfer this knowledge to the economy, various activities are organised in addition to cooperative R&D projects in order to disseminate information to entrepreneurs.
The breadth of activities ranges from regular, recognised specialist events such as "ServTec" for service engineering and smart services or "Innovation for Automation" in automation technology to longer-term projects to support innovation performance in Styria, such as the "Innolab" and the numerous innovation guidelines for SMEs at CAMPUS 02 UAS.
Every two years, a selection is made from the large number of projects from different subject areas for the CAMPUS 02 internal R&D award.
Plattform Automatisierungstechnik Steiermark is an independently co-operating cross-sector network for companies active in this field.
The aim of the Styrian Service Cluster is to play an active role in shaping developments in the service sector.
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
R&D Management
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz