Research & Development

Services For Business

The practice-orientated experience of the academic staff and over 200 lecturers forms the basis for the range of services offered to industry. The tasks are carried out in projects, depending on the requirements as part of student research projects, in independent applied research and development projects or in mixed forms, utilising possible funding options.


The expertise of our employees required for training is available to companies in many subject areas in the form of various services.

Vier Studierende lernen gemeinsam
In cooperation with our partners, the focus is on customer requirements; the flexible project variants create optimised cooperation opportunities with scientific expertise for the benefit of all parties involved and to increase the competitive advantage of the companies. Good ideas are the starting point for new or improved products and services. CAMPUS 02 already supports the "generation" and recognition of such good ideas. Overall, the focus is on the targeted support of the entrepreneur through the available expertise in order to create a competitive advantage for the customers and further practical experience for the experts.

"One can recognize a really good idea by the fact that its realization seems impossible from the outset," said Albert Einstein. Making the seemingly impossible possible is our daily challenge as a technology leader. Besides good ideas and appropriate R&D structures, we need a sophisticated product concept, competitive manufacturing conditions, and top-notch sales to turn the idea into material success.
In short: Those who only have the technical foundation but cannot implement and sell it will not be successful in the end!"

Vertrauen als basis zur Kooperation

Die zahlreichen Projekte und Unterstützungsleistungen mit Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen beweisen, dass Unternehmen sich mit bedeutsamen Aufgabenstellungen an die FH CAMPUS 02 wenden. Die Fachhochschule sieht dies als Auszeichnung und bietet jedem Unternehmen bei der Kontaktaufnahme die Möglichkeit einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung – denn Vertrauen ist die Basis zur Kooperation.

F&E Projekte

Die F&E Projekte werden je nach Anforderung im Rahmen eigenständiger Arbeiten in angewandten F&E-Bereichen, durch Studienarbeiten oder in Mischformen – unter Nutzung möglicher Fördervarianten – abgewickelt. Gezieltes Eingehen auf Kundenanforderungen, flexible Projektvarianten und wissenschaftliche Expertise schaffen optimierte Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zum Nutzen aller Beteiligten.

At CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences, cooperation with the business sector is not pursued to verify scientific hypotheses, but rather to benefit business partners and enhance the competitive advantage of companies.

Research & Development

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