Our university


The UAS Board is the highest academic body of the UAS and is chaired by the Rector. It is responsible for the implementation and organisation of teaching and examinations.

In accordance with § 10 (2) FHG, the CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences Board consists of the Director and his/her deputy, representatives of the programme directors, representatives of full-time and part-time lecturers as well as student representatives. It holds at least 4 ordinary meetings per academic year.

FH CAMPUS 02 main building

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The members of the College according to the constituent meeting with the election of the Head and Deputy Head on 25 June 2020 are:

Head of College
FH-Rektorin Mag. Kristina Edlinger-Ploder

Deputy Head
FH-Vizerektor FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Günter Zullus, StB

Head of Departments
FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Grünwald (Department IT & Wirtschaftsinformatik)
FH-Prof. Dr. Ursula Haas-Kotzegger (Department Marketing & Sales)
FH-Prof. DI Dr. Hans Lercher (Department Innovationsmanagement)
FH-Prof. Mag. Peter Meiregger, StB (Department Rechnungswesen & Controlling)
FH-Prof. DI Dr. Udo Traussnigg (Department Automatisierungstechnik)

Vertreter*in der Departmentleitungen:
Berndt Jesenko, BSc MSc

Representatives of the full-time teaching and research staff:
FH-Prof. Ing. DI Dr. Patrick Beer, BSc
FH-Prof. DI Dr. Börge Kummert
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Helmut Michl

Representatives of part-time teaching and research staff:
FH-Hon.Prof. Ing. DI (FH) Wolfgang Koren
DI Michael Mörtl
FH-Hon.Prof. Mag. Mag. Mathias Schwar

Representatives of the students:
Severin Gruber, BSc
Simon Krejci
Johanna Maier (ÖH-Vorsitzende)
Markus Stoff

The tasks of the College include in particular*:

  • Election of the management and the deputy on the basis of a three-person proposal by the holder. With the consent of the college, this proposal can be reduced to two persons. The persons proposed must work full-time. If the incumbent college management and/or their deputy announce their interest in exercising the function for a further term of office, an appointment can be made without an election if the college agrees by a two-thirds majority and the course-providing body agrees. Repeated reappointments are permitted. The head of the college must use the title "Academic Head" or the title "Chairperson.
  • Request to the maintainer to dismiss the management or the deputy or to comment on the maintainer's intention to do so in the event that these bodies have grossly violated or neglected their duties or are no longer able to fulfil their duties;
  • Changes to accredited degree programmes in agreement with the course-providing body;
  • Establishment and discontinuation of degree programmes and university courses in agreement with the course-providing body;
  • Submitting budget applications (investment, material and personnel expenses) to the maintainer;
  • Strategische Weiterentwicklung von Lehre, angewandter Forschung und Internationalisierung zur Sicherstellung kompetenz- und zukunftsorientierter Studien auf Hochschulniveau im Einvernehmen mit dem Erhalter;
  • Coordination of the content of the entire teaching programme;
    Ensuring the quality of teaching and research and evaluating the entire teaching programme, including examination regulations and curricula;
  • Awarding of academic honours customary in the university system in agreement with the awarding body;
  • Issuing rules of procedure and statutes in agreement with the course-providing body. In any case, the statutes shall include the study and examination regulations, the election regulations for the college, the establishment of any working committees and their statutes, provisions on attendance quotas of the college, equal opportunities plan, provisions on the establishment and discontinuation of study programmes and university courses as well as guidelines for the appropriate use of university designations and on the awarding of academic honours. The statutes shall be published in an appropriate form;
  • Deciding on complaints against decisions made by the head of the degree programme.

*§ 10 Fachhochschulgesetz, BGBl. Nr. 340/1993 idgF

The tasks of the UAS Rector as head of the UAS Board include in particular*:

  • if they are full-time employees, the commissioning and issuing of instructions to members of the teaching and research staff in order to ensure the proper implementation of teaching operations and high-quality, practice-oriented education at university level, as well as the commissioning and issuing of technical instructions to heads of degree programmes and heads of academic organisational units within the framework of quality assurance.
  • the awarding of teaching assignments on the basis of proposals or after consultation with the College;
  • epresenting the College externally and implementing the resolutions of the College;
  • Conferral of academic degrees and their revocation as well as nostrification of foreign academic degrees.
  • Proposals for the heads of academic organisational units and teaching and research staff to the course-providing body;
  • Commissioning and participating in the implementation of external quality assurance procedures in agreement with the maintainer.

*§ 10 Fachhochschulgesetz, BGBl. Nr. 340/1993 idgF