Global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity require coordinated efforts in all areas of society and a change in values as a contribution to sustainable development. Universities have a special role and responsibility in this regard, as they can act as a catalyst for innovation and sustainability issues in the areas of teaching, research, higher education and cooperation, thereby helping to raise awareness in society.
A Sustainability Advisory Board was established at our university of applied sciences in December 2021. The team members - representatives from all degree programmes and central services - are experts in the field of sustainability or have a special interest in the topic. The interested colleagues are currently divided into five working groups: AG Think Green - Act Green, Reporting, Mobility, Infrastructure and Communication.
Die Themen und Vorschläge, die wir bisher zusammen mit unserem Sustainability Council entwickelt haben, sind vielseitig und spannend. Sie umfassen Aktionen und Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energie, Biodiversität, Reduktion des C02-Fußabdrucks, Recycling sowie Nachhaltigkeit in Lehrveranstaltungen und Projekten.
CAMPUS 02 UAS promotes the leasing of company bicycles through If you are interested, simply send an email to Elke Predota, and you will be registered on the platform and receive further information.
The results of the mobility survey at CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences (runs until 26 January 2024) will be published on this website.
From 8 January 2024, line 62 will once again run via Graz main station to CAMPUS 02 UAS (until June 2026).
More information on the Klimaticket and Job Bicycle model topics can be found by CAMPUS 02 UAS staff on the intranet in the Sustainable Mobility Package.
Our ongoing efforts are aimed at integrating the topic of sustainability into more and more lectures. In future, lecturers will be actively trained in this direction to ensure that the teaching of sustainability principles is not just a component, but a permanent fixture in our teaching.
In most of our degree programmes, there are already lectures with a focus on sustainability:
In addition, we offer new certificate courses on sustainability at the Centre for Vocational Training:
In addition to numerous Bachelor's and Master's theses, innovative R&D solutions for a shared future are being developed at CAMPUS 02 UAS.
Exemplary projects are:
As a founding member, CAMPUS 02 UAS, along with 10 other Austrian universities of applied sciences, formed the Bündnis nachhaltige Hochschulen (BNH) on 7 October 2021. The BNH currently has 14 member universities.
Within the Styrian University Conference Science Space Styria, a working group is collaboratively striving for a joint sustainability monitoring system.
With Sustainability4U, we hold joint lecture series with other Styrian universities. This year, the theme was "ENOUGH! Reduction as Collective Action".
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Sustainability Coordinator
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz