Current R&D projects

Below you will find a list of our current projects. If you are interested in carrying out a project with our field of study, we look forward to hearing from you.

RE-MAIN - REmote MAINtenance of Smart Industry Installations

The RE-MAIN project aims to improve the skills of VET students at European level in relation to the remote maintenance of industrial plants. In this field, the digital transformation requires industrial plants of all kinds to implement several changes in order to survive in the medium and long term. Applying the principles of so-called Industry 4.0 to the maintenance of industrial plants is therefore a strategic tool that increases the competitiveness of companies and increasingly determines their survival in highly competitive markets. Previous training programmes in the field of industrial plant maintenance are characterized by a strongly classroom-oriented approach. RE-MAIN aims to address a clear lack of skills related to the remote maintenance of industrial equipment by connecting students with the tools, competences and current opportunities of the sector and designing and implementing a transnational pilot course that takes into account the skills currently in demand by companies.

Period: 01.01.2022 - 01.11.2024
Contact: DI (FH) Ioan Turcin (AT) und DI Dr. Selver Softic (IWI), FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID CRN Leganes (Lead Partner)


SentiProMo is a software that was developed based on research results from previous projects. The aim of the software is the digital representation of service processes in small and medium-sized enterprises and the analysis of associated data. In particular, the research focus is on sentiment analysis.

Contact: DI Dr. Selver Softic, FH CAMPUS 02, Dr. Egon Lüftenegger, FH CAMPUS 02


The ERASMUS+ project Gate2Math is developing a multilingual platform for open educational resources (OER) in mathematics. The aim is to support mathematics and engineering teaching through interactive materials and videos. Each of the partners will provide around 100 OERs by 2025.

Period: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr Selver Softic (IWI) und DI (FH) Ioan Turcin (AT), FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: TTK University of Applied Sciences Tallin (Estonia, Lead Partner), Tallin University (Estonia), Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal), Technical University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain)


Period: 1.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

CyberNot - Cyber attack emergency plan

In view of the repeated cyberattacks in Styria in recent times, a guideline is to be developed to provide SMEs with preventive and, above all, reactive support in the event of cyberattacks.

Period: 01.07.2023 - 29.02.2024
Contact: DI Harris Gerzic, FH CAMPUS 02

Data-driven Personas

In the DigiKomp4 project, a framework for the development of data-supported PERSONAS was developed, which is now being further developed in DigiKomp5. The framework consists of 2 parts:

  • Finding clusters in the data
  • Evaluate clusters and develop PERSONAS using the clusters/variables

This framework with the 2 parts is used and evaluated in courses with students. The results are in turn incorporated into further development.

Period: September 2023 - Juni 2024
Contact: Mag. DI Eva Schirgi, FH Campus 02