Marketing & Sales

Analogue or digital? Analytical or creative? Brain or heart? In the Bachelor's programme 

Marketing & Sales and the two Master's programmes Digital Marketing Management and Entrepreneurship & Sales Management, students do not have to make any compromises. Successful marketing and sales strategies create analogue and digital paths to customers and tailor them to their needs. This requires not only a holistic understanding and a passion for these areas, but also creative and analytical skills. By mixing theory and practice, our students develop all the skills and competences required in modern marketing and sales and are thus even better equipped for everyday life in these disciplines.

Fit for the future

This is Marketing & Sales

The digital transformation poses major challenges for all companies. Effective collaboration between marketing and sales is the key to winning, convincing and retaining customers along the customer journey. A close and cooperative exchange between these two disciplines and the development of common goals therefore make a significant contribution to the success of the company.

You have always asked yourself:

  • How do I actively shape the future in Marketing & Sales?
  • How do I manage communication on all channels?
  • How do I reach new customers and bind them to the company?
  • How do I find the right arguments to convince my customers in sales talks?
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Your dream degree programme is just a few steps away.
Study Marketing & Sales

Our Degree Programme


Marketing & Sales

In the Bachelor's foundation modules such as marketing, sales, digitalisation, market research, budgeting and controlling, students acquire extensive knowledge about successful market-oriented corporate management. In the advanced modules, they become fit for the digital world of marketing and sales.

6 semesters

Full-time, part-time

Degree: BA


Digital Marketing Management

The part-time Master's programme builds an in-depth understanding of digital transformation and data management. It shows the role that marketing plays in this change process. Graduates are also prepared for management positions in the core areas of management and in leadership-related social skills.

4 semesters


Degree: MA

This Master's programme is based on three fundamental core pillars: entrepreneurship, leadership and sales. It provides you with comprehensive knowledge to identify, develop and successfully exploit business potential. The focus here is on digital transformation in sales, with the course aiming to recognise this as an opportunity and use it profitably.

4 semesters


Degree: MA

Marketing & Sales


Get to know Marketing & Sales

Videos & Behind the Scenes

When ideas become successes

Our mission

People are at the centre of marketing and sales. That is why we place our students, cooperation partners and employees at the centre of our thoughts and actions. We empower our students to shape the future of our economy in a sustainable way by recognising challenges and mastering them successfully. As a reliable partner, we support and accompany companies and organisations with innovative solutions in dynamic times.

Our students establish valuable contacts with companies and acquire soft skills that go beyond their professional competences and thus contribute to the development of their professional and individual profiles.

Would you as a company like to co-operate with our department? We would be happy to inform you about our know-how transfer programme.

We work for your success

The team of the Department Marketing & Sales

Success stories

Voices & moods on the study programme

During my part-time degree programme at CAMPUS 02, I was able to gain valuable experience and learn from experts how to apply theory to my specific professional situation. As I have already been working for several years, it was very important for me to combine my studies with my work. I particularly enjoyed the many group projects, which not only allowed me to expand my professional skills, but also to build valuable professional and personal relationships with my colleagues.

Barbara Upelj, M.M. BA

Bachelor graduate working part-time; 

Marketing and event manager, artist agency MusicArts Graz

Absolvent MS BA VZ Wacha

On the Bachelor's degree programme in Marketing & Sales, you learn to understand and interpret fundamental economic relationships and topics from the fields of marketing and sales. On the other hand, you put this knowledge into practice in various projects. The highlight for me was the practical market research project, where you can deliver real added value for the client and at the same time make initial contact with various companies.

Florian Wacha

Bachelor graduate full-time 

Studierende Sophie Zorn

The Master's degree programme in Digital Marketing Management has its finger on the pulse of the times with its course content. It prepares you well for everyday business life. The practical projects give me as a student a secure practice environment where I can try out new things and implement what I have learned.

Sophie Zorn

Master student Digital Marketing Management
Portraitfoto von Manuel Meier

For me, sales management means understanding customer requirements and transforming them into solutions with real added value - without losing focus on the sustainable success of your own company.

Manuel Meier

Master's graduate in Entrepreneurship & Sales Management; 
Sales Manager, Dematic GmbH
Stay up to date

News from the Department Marketing & Sales

Zwischen Hörsaal und Strand: Unser Auslandssemester in Portugal

Wer seid ihr? Hallo, wir sind Christina und Valerie und studieren berufsbegleitend Marketing&Sales an der FH CAMPUS 02 in Graz. Für unser viertes Semester haben wir uns für ein Auslandssemester in Lissabon entschieden, wo wir im Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms diese wunderschöne Stadt in Portugal erleben durften.   Wieso habt ihr euch für ein Auslandssemester in Portugal entschieden? Wir wollten unser…

FH CAMPUS 02 - Marketing & Sales | 03.09.2024

Marketing & Sales: Unsere Absolventin des Monats August 2024

Von den ersten Schritten im Marketing bis zur Leitung eines internationalen Teams beim Kosmetikhersteller Jüstrich Cosmetics AG – in unserer Serie "Absolvent*in des Monats" erzählt uns Sabine Pfefferkorn von ihrer spannenden beruflichen Reise. Im Interview gibt sie wertvolle Einblicke in die Schlüsselmomente ihrer Karriere und zeigt, wie Weiterbildung, Networking und die Wahl des richtigen Studiengangs ihren Erfolg geprägt haben.  …

FH CAMPUS 02 - Marketing & Sales | 29.08.2024
Aktuelle Trends Headerbild

Aktuelle Trends im Handel: Customer Experience 2.0 

Der stationäre Handel befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel, der vor allem durch technologische Innovationen und veränderte Verbraucherpräferenzen geprägt ist. Dennoch entwickeln viele Einzelhändler innovative Strategien, um das Kundenerlebnis im stationären Einkauf noch positiver zu gestalten und die Kundenbindung zu stärken. Dabei zeichnen sich u.a. die folgenden Trends ab:  Integration von Technologie: Viele Einzelhändler setzen auf digitale Tools wie interaktive…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 06.08.2024
Marketing & Sales Rückblick 2023-2024

Rückblick auf das Studienjahr 2023/24: Höhepunkte und Erfolge am Department Marketing & Sales 

Das Studienjahr 2023/24 am Department Marketing & Sales war ein Jahr voller herausragender Leistungen, innovativer Projekte und spannender Veranstaltungen. Voller Stolz blicken wir auf ein Jahr zurück, das von Erfolgen geprägt war. Hier sind einige Highlights:  Glanzleistung bei der European Sales Competition  Unserer Master-Studierenden Sarah Fuchs und David Hafner haben bei der diesjährigen European Sales Competition in Finnland Spitzenleistungen gezeigt…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 01.07.2024