University course

Software Development & IT Operations (DevOps) is a concept that encompasses a culture and set of practices designed to facilitate collaboration between developers and IT operations in order to accelerate the delivery of software products and services while maintaining high quality.

DevOps uses automation techniques to ensure continuity, quality and monitoring while optimizing development and operational processes. By strengthening collaboration between developers and IT operations, companies can respond more quickly and efficiently to customer requirements.

What you can expect from the university course

Content focus

The university course "DevOps" has the following content and therefore focus:

  • Concepts and basics of CI/CD
  • Continuous Testing, Integration und Deployment
  • Describe requirements for code and development process
  • Describe the functionality of selected tools (e.g. Terraform, Ansible, etc.)
  • Describe requirements for operation and documentation
  • Describe the differences and similarities between logging, metrics and insight
  • Name monitoring tools and define their areas of application
  • Describe the functionality of selected monitoring tools (e.g. Grafana, Prometheus, ELK, etc.)
  • Describe documentation in IT operations
  • IT-Sicherheit im Kontext von IT-Operations beschreiben
  • Identify links to service management and IT strategy
  • Describe incident management (ITIL) in the context of IT operations
  • Identify bottlenecks in the SW production flow
  • Evaluate connection with value-adding business processes
  • Evaluate the influence of the organizational structure on SW production
  • Describe Conway's law and interpret its effects

3 ECTS credits, 27 units

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
LE = teaching units


Extra occupational

Duration: 2 days per module in presence at CAMPUS 02 and 2 half-days online 

27 teaching units of which 1/3 online teaching

Maximum number of participants: 25


For participation in the university course:
EUR 1.500,- (VAT exempt according to UStG)


Confirmation of participation in the university course

Who is this training aimed at?

This training program is aimed at: 

  • Individuals who want to pursue a career in software management and understand the interplay between software development and the organization behind it
  • Entrepreneurs who want to acquire specialist knowledge in software management for their company in order to coordinate software management processes more efficiently.


open to all interested persons who already have professional experience in the field of software management or are new to the field and have a university entrance qualification or a degree as a basic requirement


3 ECTS Credits

ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

Registration & deadlines

  1. Go to "Register now" below.
  2. Enter your data in the form.
  3. You will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.
  4. If required, we will ask you for additional documents by e-mail.

Anmeldefrist: 24.10.2024

Class times

Start: 05.11.2024 

Classroom teaching at CAMPUS 02 from 09:00 - 17:00
Online lessons from 17:00 - 20:30

Dienstag, 05.11.2024, Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 07.11.2024, online
Dienstag, 12.11.2024, online
Donnerstag, 14.11.2024, Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02 

Learn individually & flexibly

Use the possibilities of the Life Long Learning-Passes of FH CAMPUS 02!
This module is part of the modular training program of the "Certified Senior Software Specialist" and "Certified Software Manager" certificate courses, provided you complete the three modules and successfully complete a project, you will also receive the certificate for the certificate course you have completed.

University course DevOps
Harris Gerzic

DI Harris Gerzic, BSc

CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Department of IT & Business Informatics
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

Already sent your registration?
Secure your place on the course
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Registration deadline: 24.11.2023
You benefit

Get your career off to a flying start

As a DevOps expert, you have detailed knowledge in the field of automation. You will learn about infrastructure as code and how to monitor applications correctly. This will give you considerable insight into the cross-cutting issues and value creation in software production. The organizational part is the organization of technical processes in teams. If you are interested in development and organization in all aspects of development, this module is just right for you.