Period: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
Contact: Mag. Stefanie Hatzl, PhD - FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Projektleitung: FH JOANNEUM - Institut für Soziale Arbeit, Kooperationspartner: JOANNEUM - Institut für Ergotherapie, JOANNEUM RESEARCH - Institut Digital

dIgitalisieruNg als Chance für inkLUsion und DivErsität in neuen arbeitswelten

The topic of digitalization is currently the subject of controversial debate. The digitalization of work is often seen as a threat, determined by automation and the associated loss of jobs. In connection with the concept of diversity, this problem is exacerbated by the exclusion of certain target groups (e.g. people with disabilities, people with a migration background, older workers, single parents) from the labor market. INCLUDE sees digitalization as an opportunity and aims to identify measures based on digital technologies to include employees with special needs in the labour market.

The focus is on answering the question of what opportunities digitalization offers to shape work in a way that enables the participation of people with special needs. On the one hand, it analyzes what requirements companies place on their employees, taking digital trends into account. On the other hand, it looks at the skills and needs of people from different target groups with inclusion needs. These two sides are compared in order to determine digital solutions that serve to support the target groups in their professional activities. Finally, measures for the successful implementation of the proposed solutions will be developed.

The actual implementation of the project will take place in four steps:

  1. Determining the requirements of companies for their employees by developing job profiles from the areas of production, administration and services, taking into account digital developments and identifying the need for relief in work processes.
  2. The development of generalized skills and needs profiles of the various target groups in relation to work and thus the determination of the discrepancy between the requirements of the companies and the skills and needs of the target groups.
  3. The identification of digital solution approaches and the description of a possible implementation of these in work processes.
  4. The evaluation of the approaches found by the target groups and the recommendation of strategies for the successful introduction of the measures to the target groups in companies.

Project management: FH JOANNEUM - Institute for Social Work
Funded by: Zukunftsfonds Land Steiermark
Website project management:

Here you will find the public report on the project. If you are interested in the results of the individual work packages, we will be happy to send them to you on request

