Hands-on days

Live & experience the cash flows of the business world.
In a self-created economic cycle, the researcher takes a look behind the scenes with you and sheds light on everyday topics and issues. In doing so, you will engage intensively with the processes that are lived and experienced and learn to better understand the interrelationships in the economy.

Studierende vor Gebäude FH CAMPUS 02 im Freien
Drei Studierende am Tisch schreiben

Procedure & contents

Mon, 26.08.2024 - Wed, 28.08.2024 

from 08:30 - 15:00 (10 - 14 years)

Thu, 29.08.2024 from 09:00 - 15:00 (from 15 years)

Lunch is included.
Free of charge, limited number of participants
End of registration: 22.08.2024
Completion: Certificate of participation

Live and experience the following contents:

  • Production operation: produce, calculate and sell your own products
  • Store: trade in the products created, calculate any taxes incurred
  • Coffeeshop: manage or work in the service sector
  • State: Collect taxes and use the money wisely
  • Bank: grant loans and manage savings deposits
  • Free time: Go shopping, chill out in a coffee shop or save money.
  • Study programme: Think about your future and how to finance it

The participants create a new economic cycle through their independent actions and good cooperation with others.

The workshop will be led by FH-Prof. Andrea Knaus, Stb. and

Dr Anna Waldner!

Who can take part?

Anyone aged 10 - 14 or 15 - 18 with a focus on AHS pupils who want to get a taste of business. No prior knowledge required.

Would you like to take part? We are very happy about that! To register, please send us an email with your contact details to karmen.schulmeister@campus02.at 

Please note that photos and videos will be taken during this Hands-on Week and that you may appear in them. If your registration is successful, we will send you a declaration of consent for the use of these photos and videos, which you must either sign and return by email or alternatively bring with you on the first day.

Hands-On days

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