Zukünftige Studierende des Bachelors Rechnungswesen & Controlling

Spring makes everything new! RWC uses new recipes

Spring is awakening, bringing not only the splendour of flowers and warmer days, but also many fresh ideas and innovations at the Financial Accounting department.

The second edition of the new "Meet & Greet" format took place on 22 March 2024. Head of degree programme Peter Meiregger and his team welcomed all those applicants at FH Campus 02 who have already been accepted to study and will start their RWC degree programme in autumn 2024. Susanne Bammer gave the prospective RWC students a tour of the building and showed them the most important contact points, such as student services, the library, the RWC office and - very important for (knowledge-)hungry students - our buffet.smoothies

However, getting to know the RWC team was at the centre of the Meet & Greet. A good opportunity to lay the foundations for a positive and productive collaboration between students and all RWC employees. A lively exchange developed in the department's premises, during which many questions could be clarified. Our FH smoothies were very well received: the new recipe is a real vitamin boost and was visibly enjoyed by all those present.

The recipes for the Bachelor's degree programme in Financial Accounting and the Master's degree programme in Management & Controlling are also new. The two degree programmes were launched for the first time in winter semester 2023 with a freshly revised curriculum. The current summer semester therefore features some new content and methods for all students in the second semester.

For example, in the RWC Bachelor's degree programme, Bachelor's thesis 1 is already written in semester 2. The responsible use of artificial intelligence is particularly important here. UAS professor Dr Helmut Michl accompanies the students on this path and supports them in their scientific work with the help of chatbots such as Chat GPT and similar tools.

In the Master's programme, management issues are given greater weight. This is particularly evident in the 2nd semester. New modules such as "Management Systems" and "Crisis Management" offer students in-depth insights into the challenges of modern corporate management. Among many other innovations, the compulsory electives "Integrated Management Systems" and "Public Relations & Crisis Communication" are particularly noteworthy. The course "Risk Management" was brought forward to the 2nd semester. UAS Professor René Thaller, MSc introduces students to processes and tools for dealing with corporate risks. The final exam will take place in mid-April. We are keeping our fingers crossed for all participants!

Another innovation in the Master's programme concerns the course "Group Accounting". This will now be held in English and is now called "Group Accounting IFRS". FH Professor Gregor Reautschnig is already looking forward to presenting extensive case studies on consolidation in accordance with international accounting standards. It starts after the Easter holidays.

As you can see, things are happening at RWC! You will find out in our next blog post whether May also has so much to offer.