
Equal opportunities for all is one of the fundamental principles of EU policy. Discrimination based on gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, or belief is legally prohibited throughout the EU. The EU has its own strategies to combat discrimination and xenophobia and to promote social inclusion.

Further Information

Gesellschaftlich, sozial und kulturell geprägten Geschlechtsrollen von Frauen und Männern, die – anders als das „biologische Geschlecht“ – erlernt und damit auch veränderbar sind.

Further information & statistical data for Austria

Means taking into account the different life situations and interests of women and men from the outset and regularly in all societal initiatives, as there is no gender-neutral reality.

Further Information

The goals are to achieve a productive overall atmosphere (in the company), prevent social discrimination against minorities, and improve equal opportunities. The differences include externally perceptible ones, such as gender, ethnicity, age, and disability, as well as subjective differences like sexual orientation, religion, and lifestyle.


Die FH CAMPUS 02 wurde im Jahr 2015 von der Initiative „Taten statt Worte“ als einer der „Familienfreundlichste Betriebe der Steiermark“ in der Kategorie Non-Profit-Unternehmen ausgezeichnet.

Uniability: Working group for equal opportunities for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses at Austrian universities and colleges

Further information about UNIABILITY

Zam Steiermark GmbH – Regional Office nowa offers a training program in cooperation with FH CAMPUS 02 to become a software developer.

Weitere Informationen zum Kooperationsprojekt mit zam – nowa
