Gruppenfoto Rechnungswesen & Controlling

From classrooms to wine cellars: an exciting study tour from Zagreb to Slovenia

On Sunday 28 April 2024, around 40 students from the Financial Accounting department boarded a coach for this year's study trip to Zagreb. They were accompanied by Vida Bicman, who also organised the trip, and Günter Zullus. The tour group was a colourful mix and consisted of representatives from almost all years of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the RWC department. In bright sunshine, the group explored Zagreb's old town centre on a guided walking tour on the same day. There were interesting and curious facts to learn about the history and peculiarities of the city.

Monday was characterised by academic exchange. The students were welcomed by the Dean of the EFZG - Ekonomski Fakultet Zagreb and then took part in a lecture on Activity Based Costing by Professor Ivana Drazic Lutilsky, PhD. Professor Sanja Broz Tominac, PhD, then attempted to deepen the content of activity-based costing with the students using an example. The academic programme at the University of Zagreb was rounded off with a workshop on creativity techniques, which was designed and held by Vida Bicman. The visit to the university gave the participants a good opportunity to gain an insight into teaching at another university. The evening was free and was used by the students in a variety of ways.

The academic-theoretical programme on Monday was followed by the practical programme on Tuesday, in line with the idea of a university of applied sciences. The group had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the industrial production process of daily newspapers and magazines at a Styria Media Group printing plant. The programme was supplemented by a guided tour of the editorial office of 24 Sata, a subsidiary of the Styria Media Group, so that it was possible to grasp the entire value creation process from content creation to the finished product with the associated processes. The Tuesday programme was rounded off with a visit to the Tehnicki Muzej Nikola Tesla, the technical museum in Zagreb.

On Wednesday, 1 May 2020, the students travelled to the Dveri Pax winery in Slovenia, where they were given a guided tour of the wine cellar to learn about the production process for the different types of wine. Afterwards, selected varieties could also be tasted as part of a hearty snack.

The group finally arrived safely back at the WKO Steiermark premises at 15:00, having gained some valuable impressions.