Erasmus Experience in Timișoara, Rumänien

Abenteuer im Ausland!

Unser neuester Bericht nimmt euch mit auf eine spannende Reise nach Timișoara, Rumänien, wo Marcel Borkowski and William Ägren ihr Erasmus-Semester verbracht haben. Von aufregenden kulturellen Entdeckungen bis hin zu unvergesslichen Momenten in einer neuen Stadt – seid gespannt auf ihre Erlebnisse und lasst euch von ihrer Geschichte inspirieren!

Erasmus+ Experience in Timișoara, Romania

My semester-long Erasmus+ experience in Timișoara, Romania, was truly unforgettable. From the vibrant city life to the welcoming university atmosphere, every aspect of my journey left a lasting impression.

Exploring Timișoara

Timișoara stole my heart with its blend of old-world charm and contemporary flair. Exploring its streets felt like stepping into a storybook, with colorful buildings and cozy cafes. Whether I was wandering through the historic squares or checking out the latest hotspots, there was always something new to see and do.

University Life

The university in Timișoara provided an enriching academic environment. The faculty’s dedication to excellence and the diverse range of courses enhanced my learning experience. Additionally, the support and camaraderie among fellow Erasmus+ students created a sense of community.

Trip to Bucharest and Cluj

Exploring beyond Timișoara, our trip to Bucharest and Cluj further enriched our Erasmus+ experience. Each city offered its own unique charm and cultural treasures, allowing us to immerse ourselves in Romania’s rich heritage.

Support Network

Throughout my Erasmus+ journey, the university and the Erasmus+ office were invaluable sources of support. From administrative assistance to cultural guidance, their unwavering support ensured a smooth transition and helped resolve any challenges that arose.


In summary, my Erasmus+ experience in Timișoara, Romania, was a transformative journey filled with enriching experiences and lifelong memories. I am grateful for the opportunity to have lived, learned, and explored in such a welcoming and vibrant community. Timișoara will always hold a special place in my heart, and I’m grateful for every moment I spent there.