The need for online teaching and learning has risen tremendously and unexpectedly in 2020 due to the global pandemic. Universities worldwide had to switch to online teaching, students worldwide had to move to online learning. The world of higher education has changed dramatically. Lecturers had to adapt their courses and, thus, professional development towards methods of online teaching and learning in higher education has increased.
The region of Styria in Austria and the Oblast Tomsk in Russia have concluded a cooperation agreement in 2013. Among other objectives, this cooperation agreement serves the purpose to enhance collaboration in the area of higher education and academic mobility. This joint conference contributes to the strengthening of the partnership between Styria and Tomsk through the initiation of a continuous exchange of good practices in online teaching and learning between the two participating higher education institutions and other universities and industry in both regions. The regional government of Styria has, thus, awarded a grant for this project to exchange good practices in online teaching and learning.
This project will foster the dialogue between FH JOANNEUM, Tomsk State University and other higher education institutions in both regions on fruitful didactical methods of online teaching. Lecturers of higher education institutions of both regions will share their experience and good practice examples on online teaching and learning, and this project will initiate the building of a community of practice among the professionals from Russia and Austria.
The papers presented in this conference will be published in fall of 2021.
We cordially invite you to join us via Microsoft Teams on June 17.